PLANS for a futuristic walkway over the river Usk have been finalised and handed in to city planners.

The £3.9m bridge will be a new landmark for the city.

Argus readers helped choose the 'crane' design by developers Alfred McAlpine from three submitted proposals.

The bridge is seen as a much-needed link between the two halves of the city. It is one of the first parts of the major plan to regenerate Newport to be constructed.

David Ward, director of planning and strategy with regeneration group Newport Unlimited, said the footbridge will be vital in linking the shops, Riverfront theatre and a possible university campus with other parts of the city.

He said: "We're very pleased that the details have now been finalised and we hope it will be given planning permission.

"It's important, both as an iconic structure signalling the city's regeneration and also for communities of east Newport to access the city centre.

"We hope work will start on it next summer and it could be open by Christmas 2005."

Newport Unlimited forsees extra residential growth on the east bank of the Usk. The bridge would save pedestrians time from travelling to Newport Bridge or George Street Bridge.

The time-saving pedestrian bridge will span 145m over the Usk and will be placed at a site on the western bank that lines up with Charles Street. It will cross the river at a slight angle, to land at a site south of Colne Street.

The bridge, which is to include a cycleway, will be lit at night. It will be funded by Newport Unlimited using cash from the council and the Welsh Development Agency.

A council spokeswoman said: "The consultation process will begin shortly. Statutory bodies, local residents and businesses will be asked for their views on the footbridge.

"Council departments will also be consulted and notices of application erected. It is expected that proposals will come before the planning committee in the new year."