THE appointment of the new Wales manager took a step forward last night after a meeting of the Football Association of Wales management committee drew up a list of their most-wanted.

All of the usual suspects are included including favourite John Toshack, Brian Flynn, Ian Rush and Gerard Houlier but they are believed to have been joined by former Holland and Rangers boss Dick Advocaat and Phillipe Trousier, who led Japan to a successful World Cup campaign.

The next stage of the process will be the FAW contacting candidates and briefing them regarding salary and responsibilities and whether or not they can be tempted by the £250,000 per year salary, a fraction of what can be earned in club management.

FAW secretary-general David Collins would not discuss the candidates last night.

Toshack remains in pole position but he has yet to confirm that he would even take the job, leaving Brian Flynn the most likely candidate at the moment, although a decision is not expected until the New Year.