IT'S AN old show business cliche that the show must go on no matter what.

So when Newport's Dolman Theatre was evacuated last night cast members of Fiddler on the Roof carried on the performance outside in the wind and rain.

Hundreds of theatre goers were evacuated by firefighters after fire alarms went off in the Kingsway Centre at around 6.45pm yesterday.

The 40 cast members were in make-up at the time and had to wait on Kingsway while a search of the shopping centre took place.

With the crowd getting cold and the show facing cancellation the cast members, some wearing only half their costume and half made-up, decided that the show must go on.

So, they belted out a rousing rendition of the show's opening number Tradition.

Cast member Ron Constant, who is also publicity officer for the show's producers the Lyric Musical Society, said: "It was getting very cold and wet so it was a question of keeping spirits alive really.

"We just decided to sing to keep the crowd entertained so we sang the opening number.

"When we finished singing the crowd cheered and clapped. Luckily we were allowed back in shortly afterwards and we could put on the show proper.

"It was a little bit of war-time spirit on the streets of Newport with everyone pulling together."

The show started 45 minutes late but there was no drop in audience figures.

A spokesman for the South Wales Fire Service said the building was evacuated as a precaution after fire alarms were activated. No fire was found.

Jackie Davies was reviewing the show for the Argus. She said: "People were surprised when the cast started singing but they soon joined in.

"It was all fun and very good natured, a bit of Dunkirk spirit and all that."