THE newest recording artists in Gwent are poised for the release of their first CD.

But this isn't a manufactured pop act, or a band put together in someone's garage.

The performers are homeless or unemployed people who visit a day centre in Newport.

Their CD, entitled The Life We Lead, has ten tracks, eight of which are written, composed, produced and performed by students of music, art and drama at the Pilot Project centre in George Street - where the CD was recorded and produced. The centre was set up with help from the European Social Fund, lottery funding and the National Assembly.

The centre was launched last year by Prince Charles and Prince William, and is run by Solas, a Newport-based charity for the homeless.

Richard Frame, director of Solas, said: "We are delighted to have helped the students get to this stage. For many this project has not just been about understanding what goes into making a record, but also achieving a dream."

The CD, funded by the European Social Fund, also features a song by Newport Male Voice Choir, and another by Newport band Solar Boat. Mr Frame added: "The students have either been homeless, are homeless or are disadvantaged when it comes to getting a job or mixing with society."

Track seven, Loved Ones Lost, was written by Jay C. The 25-year-old from Newport started going to the centre to meet people and live out his passion for music.

"Music is my life, the project has been brilliant. I have really enjoyed working on it.

"I write songs all the time, and to get a chance of producing one onto CD is great," he said.

Jay C said his song was written from the heart, and most people would relate to it as it was about losing people we loved.

He added: "This song has a bit of a twist as the chorus is Asian." The CD is a collaboration of the students' own works. Mr Frame said: "This is just the beginning. We are now working towards releasing more."

The CD, which costs £5, is on sale from Monday, November 1. To order a copy call 01633 664045 or write to the Pilot Project, 49 George Street, Newport, NP20 2AA, enclosing a cheque for £6.50 (£1.50 post and packaging.)

Mr Frame added: "All proceeds from the sale of the CD will go back into the project."