EQUIPMENT costing thousands of pounds used in the Monmouthshire Show was destroyed in a fire yesterday.

Four fire crews from three counties were called to tackle the blaze at the barn in Vauxhall Field at Monmouth.

Police crime scene investigators searched the barn to find the cause of the fire.

Notice boards, sign posts, 100 plastic bins, hurdles and tables were just some of the items destroyed in the blaze, which started in the building's toilet block.

Organisers of the show, which takes place every August, say it is too early to put a full figure on the cost of the damage.

Show secretary Kay Spencer said: "The bins alone are worth more than £500, and it will cost us between £700 and £800 to hire new toilets to replace the ones destroyed.

"We were very lucky the fire did not break out at the other end of the building, where the more expensive and important items are kept." The equipment was insured and will be replaced before next year's show.

It took fire crews more than two hours using powerful water jets to put out the blaze.

Monmouth station officer Simon Brown said the operation was made more difficult as there was asbestos in the building, meaning firefighters could not enter the barn. The barn has been on the site since the 1930s.