FORMER Wales football manager Terry Yorath met fans in Cwmbran to sign copies of his autobiography.

Mr Yorath, 54, who played in the famous Leeds United side of the 1970s, chatted to fans about his playing career while promoting his book, Hard Man Hard Knocks, in WH Smith, Cwmbran.

But he also spoke about his difficulties off the field, including the death of his 15-year-old son, Daniel, from a rare heart condition in 1992, and his recent conviction for drink-driving and careless driving after knocking over a woman in June.

"Writing this book was extremely hard, especially having to talk about Daniel and the last chapter about the case," said Mr Yorath.

Raziya Aslam, the woman Mr Yorath hit in Harrogate Road, Leeds, in June, leaving her with a broken pelvis and head injuries, accused him of cashing in on the accident with the book.

"The book was being written before the accident," said Mr Yorath. "The publisher asked if I wanted to put it in and I said, 'Of course, it's part of my life.' Why would I want to leave it out?"

In the book it was also revealed that a probation report might have spared Yorath jail after the accident, as it said he may kill himself if imprisoned. He was instead given a 12-month rehabilitation order, fined £500 and banned from driving for 30 months.

"I'm not sure if that would have happened, but it would have been a very difficult time for me," said Mr Yorath.

He added that John Toshack is the "only one" for the job as Wales' football manager, a job former Wales boss Mr Yorath described as the highlight of his career.