SPEAKING outside the court, a visibly upset Mrs Lewis, who had left half way through the hearing in tears, said: "I didn't care what her sentence was as long as she pays back every penny of what she stole.

"We were best friends, more like sisters really and I loved her boys. "I'm devastated by what she has done to me and what she has done to my children and I can't seem to move on - she has put me and my family through hell.

"I could forgive her if she had an illness or was a gambler or did it to put food on the table - I could understand that.

"I don't know why she did it and she used to be so good to me. I'm glad she is going to Spain - as far away from me as possible."

Mrs Lewis' sister, Kay Wanklyn, welcomed the sentence. She said: "I'm glad she's gone to prison. She's almost put my sister into an early grave.

"She was so sly in the way she did it - very clever and manipulative."