A PENSIONER fought back when a masked raider trying to rob his partner's store smashed him in the head with a baseball bat.

But former miner Cecil Wright, 66, who sustained a broken cheek-bone, bruised ribs and an injured shoulder in the raid on the newsagents, says he's no hero - he says he was just doing what anyone would have done in the circumstances.

The pensioner managed to resist his assailant, who fled empty-handed.

Mr Wright said: "I don't want to be made out to be a martyr. I just defended myself and did what most people would do. Some customers have been asking me why didn't I give him what he wanted, but why should I?

"If he wants money, he should bloody work hard for it, like I have all my life. I just hope the police, who have been absolutely brilliant, catch whoever did this. It is sad to think this kind of thing can happen, but that is society now."

The balaclava-clad raider burst into the Northeast newsagents in Beaufort Rise, Beaufort, Ebbw Vale, at 6.10am on Saturday, and beat Mr Wright to the body and head with the weapon after demanding money.

Police are now urging anyone with information to contact them before the masked raider strikes again.

Mr Wright, a former civil engineer and coal miner, originally from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, said: "I had my back to the door so I didn't see him coming. He burst in and swung the bat a few times at me. I managed to catch the bat and we both went to the floor. When he got up, he had another go before running off.

"I think he was a bit surprised that a 66-year-old could tackle him."

PC Mike Smith, crime and disorder reduction officer for Ebbw Vale police station, said: "It is imperative the culprit is caught as soon as possible."

The raider is believed to be quite young and was wearing a dark jacket, black balaclava and trainers.

Anyone with information is urged to ring Detective Constable Martin Jones on 01495 350999.