BARCLAYS staff in Gwent got involved in a different kind of withdrawal last week when they gave more than 20 pints of blood to the Welsh blood bank.

More than 25 staff members took part in the day-long event at Newport Leisure Centre as part of Barclays' employee volunteering programme.

Claire Bloodworth, Barclays' appropriately named business assistant for South East Wales, said: "This is a good example of Barclays staff working closely with the community to achieve something which will make a potentially life-saving difference."

Caroline Needs, publicity officer for the Welsh Blood Service said: " We were delighted with this initiative. Blood donation is one of the easiest ways to help save lives.

"On behalf of those people I would like to say a big thank you and let's hope that others follow this example."

As the National Health Service ramps up its activities to cut waiting lists the demand for blood is increasing. The UK needs well over two and a half million donations a year to keep pace.

For information on how to donate blood visit or call free phone 0800 252266.