A CHEPSTOW man has created two new dinner party games.

The games have been created and published by Benjamin Bolt and will hit the shops this week.

Mr Bolt worked for KPMG, Chepstow, until forming his own company.

The Wine Tasting Game and The Whisky Tasting Game were launched yesterday in supermarkets and have been tipped to be a hit at dinner parties this Christmas.

Each game includes four bottles of wine or whisky, instructions, a CD recording, question sheets and menu planner.

The first part of the games is a tutored tasting with participants listening to a CD and taking part in an interactive tasting session.

Then there is a quiz with trivia questions about the remaining bottles.

Mr Bolt, who founded his company, Bluetree, in 2001 with his wife Vicky, said: "These tasting party games can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of how much they know about wine or whisky. They offer hosts the opportunity to liven up their dinner parties and shift the conversation away from house prices."

Eric Shawdon, from Sainsbury's, one of the stockists, said: "We expect the games to be a very popular Chrismas present this year, as it is based around life's great pleasures - good food, good wine and good company."

The launch of the two new games comes during this year's National Game Playing Week, dedicated to playing board games.

Games brands MB and Parker are holding the week to encourage people to turn off their TVs and play traditional games instead.

Last week Monopoly topped a survey as Britain's favourite board game.