TONY Atkin would like to ride at Newport next season - if he's wanted.

The 38-year-old Welshman missed the major chunk of this season after suffering a broken arm, but he's already had a clean sweep and is planning for the new Premier League campaign.

He's parted company with his machinery, although keeping a bike for tonight's Pride of the Potteries meeting at Stoke which will also feature Wasps captain Craig Watson.

Australian Watson scored eight points - the same as Adam Allott - in the Pride of the East meeting at King's Lynn on Thursday. The meeting was won by Dave Watt with 14 while Tomas Topinka pipped Craig Boyce in a run-off after they ended on 13 points.

Atkin said: "I have sold all my gear and I am buying two new bikes for next season. If I am going to ride for a few more years I might as well get the best.

"I have started physiotherapy and am told the arm is still weak after all this time but at least I have all winter to get fit.

"Having all that time off made me realise I want to go on for a few more years. I have no qualms about going back to Newport - if he (promoter Tim Stone) wants me. If things don't work out then I will go elsewhere, that's life. I want to ride for a minimum of two more years.

"I am training to get fit and around Christmas I will start practising. I will be well prepared for next season but I am glad I rode again this season. It was hard going but I enjoyed it."

Atkin suffered the broken arm in a home Premier League spill against Rye House in early May, making his comeback in the home meeting with Somerset on August 22.

l Newport GMB Mavericks stage their final Conference League meeting of the season against Newcastle Gems a week tomorrow and they will be missing young Australian Karlis Ezergailis who returned home yesterday.

Mavericks team chief Peter Towersey will bring Russell Barnett into the line-up but he has yet to settle on the riding order.

l The Southern Track Riders' Amateur Speedway Club stage a competitive training session at Hayley Stadium tomorrow (starting 11am) and Newport's Matthew Tutton will be competing, but younger brother David is still sidelined, recovering from a broken collar bone.

James Humby, who rode in the under-15 challenge last week, returns to the track for the 45-heat event which features 36 riders.

Jamie Nicol, who has competed at Conference level with Stoke, returning from injury, is also scheduled to take part at some point.

The meeting will be run by Russell Paine, the club's main training instructor.