AFTER three years of traffic jams and head-aches for thousands of motorists after bus lanes were introduced in Newport a leading councillor finally admitted - we got it wrong.

And now Councillor Ron Jones, cabinet member for transport with Newport city council, said the green lanes must be changed. He said the bus lanes are a "stupid" idea with "no real thought behind it", adding they waste "acres" of precious roadspace.

The lanes have been blam-ed for traffic woes ever since they were introduced in 2001 at a cost of £1.35m under the then supervision of Councillor Graham Dally who retired in June.

Councillor Jones, who then took up the post, told councillors: "The council introduced this scheme without putting any real thought behind it. If we had, then we wouldn't have done it.

"We've got acres and acres of road that are empty most of the time. It's stupid not to use that part of the road."

Councillor Jones wants to open the bus lanes to all traffic, except during weekday peak hours.

He launched the furious attack at a scrutiny meeting this week of councillors who were supposed to be discussing how the off-peak scheme could be policed.

But the talks could not take place because council officers had not provided a report listing the options.

Councillor David Atwell joined several councillors and the scrutiny chairman in criticising the failure of engineering boss Brian Kemp to provide a report on time. He said: "It's appalling. Is it the officers or the council who are running this authority?"

Councillor Matthew Evans said: "The lanes are probably one of the worst decisions this council has taken in the last five years. The impact on the city centre has been devastating."

Councillor Jones also wants councillors to consider letting vehicles carrying multiple passengers use the lanes at any time.

A council spokeswoman said a clash of meetings meant Mr Kemp was unable to attend. She said the councillors were still able to debate the issue.

Bus lanes are in Chepstow Road, Cardiff Road, Clarence Place, Quee-nsway, Kingsway, Malpas Road and from Old Green to Harle-quin roundabout.

Former councillor Mr Dally was unavailable for comment.