BISTRO 10 is your typical on Mermaid Quay Cardiff Bay eatery - small, modern and classy. The delicious food is served in oversized dishes, making you feel like a child again. We went on a Saturday night and were unable to get a table until 9.30pm, so be warned and book early if you want to get in at peak times!

I started with roast field mushrooms with melted tallegio cheese on toast - scrumptious! My companion chose fresh asparagus with hollandaise sauce. They were £3.95 each.

For the main course I opted for the breast of chicken filled with asparagus, cheese and bacon (£12.95). The meat was tender and succulent and the flavour deliciously subtle. It was served with an undisclosed sauce, which enhanced the meal beautifully, but it had gone cold before I was even halfway through.

My first choice had been Thai green chicken curry served with coconut rice, but that was off the menu.

My companion enjoyed marinated and chargrilled escalope of chicken with lemon and a salad of mixed leaves and cherry tomatoes (£9.50), which she also enjoyed.

The meals came with a choice of chips or new potatoes, which I thought was a bit of a dull selection. The menu, however, offers a wide variety of food ranging from pasta dishes to noodles, but there didn't seem to be much choice for vegetarians.

We were too full for dessert, but there were some tempting offerings. The sticky toffee pudding seemed popular with other diners, but if I had made it to stage three I would have opted for the strawberry mille feiulle (3.95) or the chocolate truffito (3.50).

With a bottle of French Merlot the bill came to £49.75. The food was beautifully presented and the service friendly.