NEWPORT'S long-awaited and delay-hit Southern Distri-butor Road is now set to open in November.

Engineers are still working on repairing botched drainage on the new £55m road system.

The faulty drains discovered last month meant a three-mile stretch had to be sorted out - pushing the opening date from late October into next month.

Brian Kemp, head of engineering at Newport council, said: "I'm expecting works to finish some time in November but I cannot be more specific. "That will see the opening of the road to traffic, but not the official opening ceremony.

"It's been difficult for the contractors to assess the full implications of the (drainage) problem that they found. It's taken some time."

In spring the Argus reported how the SDR was expected to open in June, but the deadline has been repeatedly pushed back.

Contractors moved the big day to the end of July, blaming the final tidying up of barriers and roundabouts.

Then in Aug-ust it emerged part of the road had sunk by two to three centre metres, meaning 100m had to be pulled up.

And there was another headache in September when contractors asked for extra cash to open the road for the Tour of Britain cycle race.

It is believed the final bill could be £28,000, which may be split between Newport Unlim-ited and the council.

The council considers the road a key part of its strategy to regenerate Newport.

It hopes it will slash congestion and open up the south of the city to business development.

Mr Kemp said there are other general works to clear up, including completion of barriers and lighting, but these are due to be finished at the same time as the drains.