ANOTHER one of those retro rock bands with through-a-hedge-backwards hairdos, the Glitterati play Cardiff's Barfly next week.

They're supporting YHA on Monday, August 23, three days after they release new single Back In Power.

"I've always had pretty girlfriends," says singer Paul, modestly. "It's not that it comes easy to us but we do seem to get a lot of attention after our gigs and the next thing we know is we're getting all sorts of offers."

Given that gigs in the Barfly are attended by blokes in their early 20s with premature beer bellies, the Glitterati could be in for a dull night.

The Glitterati swagger across stage with bravado, following in the steps of Thin Lizzy, Aerosmith and Guns 'n' Roses.

They even try and turn on some humble charm borrowed from The Faces, which most spikes their space-glam cocktail.

"I think we're all about making the show one that no-one will ever forget," says Paul.

He's already declared that life for him is an endless re-run of David Essex's role in classic Brit rock road movie That'll Be The Day. This is what happens when each successive generation of kids watch more and more television at the exclusion of everything else.

"We're into the whole idea of rock 'n' roll bands getting in a van, playing a great show, meeting girls and learning how to be the best there is. "We're not called the Glitterati for nothing, we want to cause a reaction. Even if they hate us we've done something right."