SHAKESPEARE was no elitist - his plays were popular in London, of course, but they made money by touring the length and breadth of England and playing to audiences in every rural hamlet.

And the Royal Shakespeare Company, set up to keep the legacy of his extraordinary plays alive, think it's just as important for them to do the same - which is why they'll be bringing their mobile theatre to Ebbw Vale this autumn.

A company of 20 actors will present two contrasting plays - the political thriller Julius Caesar, the story of one of the most hated and revered leaders of all time, and the sparkling comedy Two Gentlemen of Verona.

Both are rarely staged and performed, so this is a real treat for theatregoers in Gwent.

The RSC's mobile auditorium weighs a total of 50 tonnes and will tour the country in five articulated lorries - but can be erected in less than 24 hours.

Jeremy Adams, RSC producer for the tour, said: "The mobile auditorium tour is one of the jewels in our crown, and I know that we are all looking forward to hitting the road again with these two very different plays.

"Logistically the tour is one of the RSC's most complicated operations, but it's also one of the most rewarding.

"We get a great welcome wherever we go, and have the opportunity to work with people from the local area - people who take a real pride in making sure everything is just right for the first performance.

"The excitement and interest the tour creates makes it a very special project to work on."

Julius Caesar is directed by David Farr, currently the joint artistic director of Bristol Old Vic, and Two Gentlemen of Verona by Fiona Buffini, whose Dinner recently visited Cardiff's New Theatre.

Both plays are in Ebbw Vale Leisure Centre between October 19 and 23. For tickets or more information call 01495 350360.