A POLICE constable, jailed for stealing money from a purse, was sacked today.

Jonathan Ellis was caught in Operation Aries, which had been set up by his colleagues in Gwent Police.

He was sent to prison earlier this week for three months after admitting stealing £80, and today the force dismissed him.

A force spokeswoman said: "A disciplinary hearing took place today and he was dismissed from the force forthwith."

Ellis, 32, was on duty in September when he was approached by a plain-clothes officer who did not identify himself but told the constable he had found a purse and wanted to hand it in, Newport magistrates were told. The purse contained £80 in notes.

Later, Ellis handed the purse to the station inquiry officer at Abergavenny police station, where he was based. By then it was empty, the court heard.

Ellis, of Stockholm Place, Lea, Ross-on-Wye, was arrested and admitted that the cash was in his pocket. Officers checked the serial numbers of the notes Ellis had in his pocket. They matched those they had earlier placed in the purse, the court was told. Ellis told police in interview: "The opportunity was there so I took it."

He said he stole the money because of "domestic circumstances" which were causing financial difficulties.