Former Newcastle boss Sir Bobby Robson has warned that Craig Bellamy's short temper will probably always remain part of his personality.

The Wales striker has been involved in two bust-ups with Robson's St James' Park successor, Graeme Souness, in the past week, most recently in training on Tuesday morning.

Robson had his own confrontations with the former Norwich frontman during his tenure on Tyneside, and he has predicted that Graeme Souness will have to learn to live with the 25-year-old's fiery nature.

Ahead of tonight's UEFA Cup group game at Paninios, Robson told The Sun: "I fear Craig will never change - and don't talk to me about trying.

"We must have spoken on 30 or so occasions as I tried to appeal to his better nature."

Robson imposed fines on Bellamy, punishment which the former Newcastle boss feels had little effect.

"He is the only man I know who could start an argument with himself," Robson added.

"And he always believes he has won the argument even when he hasn't.

"But you learn not to get embroiled in an argument with Craig Bellamy."

Robson successfully paired Bellamy with Alan Shearer during his time in charge of the Magpies, and their strong partnership persuaded him to keep faith with the young Welshman.

He continues to appreciate and admire Bellamy's ability, as well as his work-rate.

For those factors, Bellamy would seem to have a future at Newcastle, although Souness has so far refused to discuss the situation.

"Don't waste your breath because I won't be answering any questions on it," Souness told reporters yesterday.

Souness' stance was a reflection as much of his desire to keep his club's problems in-house as of his anger at Bellamy's reaction to being substituted and to his resulting dressing down.

He had earlier said as much as confirmed that he had had a meeting with his players in general and Bellamy in particular and reiterated his position on their behaviour.

"We had a meeting," he said. "My aim is to try to keep our business in-house as much as possible without our supporters being starved of information.

"What happened yesterday was me pointing out what I expect. This week, we made headlines for the wrong reasons.

"I'm determined to stamp out non-football stories. Our supporters need to know what's happening, but they have to be football stories."

Robson expects Bellamy to bounce back from the negative publicity, and he argued that the pacey frontman's problems are largely caused by his passion for the game and desire to succeed.

"When he is on the field, he gives nothing less than 100 per cent, the perfect pro in so many ways," said Robson.

He added: "He has a genuine love and excitement for the game and his work-rate and enthusiasm to better himself is a joy.

"But he doesn't suffer fools nor does he like it if others are not putting it in. He would be quick to let them know they can do better."