A SILENT protest was staged by residents of Cross Keys and Pontywaun during a site inspection for a controversial mobile phone mast.

Nearly 20 banner-waving locals braved the cold and wet to gather at a patch of land at the rear of Medart Place in Risca where Vodafone is seeking to upgrade its existing mast.

The company, which wants to erect a 15 metre mast with five antennae, has been met with opposition from the community, concerned about the health implications of a more powerful mast situated within a 50m radius of Waunfawr Primary school, Cross Keys college and many homes.

In April a majority of the planning committee of Caerphilly council went against officers' recommendations and rejected the application on the grounds of the perceived health risk to local residents and the visual impact the extension would have on the character of the local area.

Vodafone insisted the mast posed no health risk and subsequently lodged an appeal with the National Assembly.

On Tuesday morning an Assembly-appointed planning inspector visited the site where residents carried out their silent protest.

They were joined by Islwyn AM Irene James, Cross Keys councillor Michael Gray and Risca vicar, the venerable John Blackburn.

Irene James said: "There is no evidence to prove they are harmful but similarly we have no evidence to prove they are not harmful."

Cross Keys councillor Michael Gray said: "We hope we can make a point of resisting the application because we are really concerned about it being in a residential area."

Lynne Rees, secretary of the Cross Keys and Pontywaun residents association, said: "Vodafone has said it wished to consult local people and get their opinions yet they haven't bothered at all. Actions speak louder than words and they haven't done anything to change minds around here."

Jane Frapwell from Vodafone said: "If any residents contact us we always deal with their concerns - that is the whole point of the Electro Magnetic Field advisory unit at Vodafone.

"I would apologise to anyone who feels we haven't addressed their concerns and would urge them to write to me. I will respond to their enquiries."

Jane Frapwell can be written to at Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN.