PUPILS who were travelling on a school bus which caught fire and filled with smoke have described their ordeal.

Safety on school transport has once again come under the spotlight after 14 Bassaleg Comprehen-sive School pupils from the Marshfield area needed treatment from paramedics and at hospital as a result of the incident yesterday.

Abigale Peckham, 11, said: "Everyone was opening windows to get some air in. Some people were pushing the little ones and some people were climbing over seats.

"We had oxygen and we were frightened." Danielle Regan said some people with asthma were particularly badly affected. "Some people were crying," said the 12-year-old.

Some of the children said they would be too afraid to travel on the school bus again.

Twelve-year-old Mark Thomas, who suffers from asthma, was sitting at the back of the bus near where the fire started.

"I was a bit worried and don't want to get on the bus again," he said. Laura Clatworthy, 11, said: "I would rather not go on the bus today. It was horrible having to go to hospital."

Parents said they were concerned about the situation and would be discussing the issue before deciding their next step.

William Graham, Conservative AM for South Wales East, praised the swift action of the bus driver but was asking for assurances from the National Assembly on pupil safety.

"I shall also be writing to Newport city council, as the local education authority, to seek similar assurances with regard to the suitability of transport."

A spokesman for Croydon Coaches said the driver, who had over 35 years experience, evacuated the school children to a safe distance away from the vehicle.

"At this time the exact cause of the fire is unknown and a thorough investigation is underway to determine the cause.

"Health and Safety officers from Newport city council have already inspected the vehicle and taken photographic evidence."

The company wished the children a speedy and full recovery. Owner Mike Chick said the B-reg double decker was checked every month by Newport Transport.

A spokeswoman for the local education authority said the small fire in the bus engine was due to a mechanical fault and an internal investigation was under way.