MONMOUTH AM David Davies has called on prisons minister Paul Goggins to release all information about sex offenders who have absconded from open prisons in the UK.

The call follows Monday's meeting between Mr Goggins and campaigners against government plans to move 40 sex offenders to HMP Prescoed.

The Argus revealed yesterday that 24 inmates at the prison had absconded in six months - the latest two being rapist Robert Neil Stokes and fraudster Gareth John Tuvnes.

But Mr Davies said that when he asked Mr Goggins how many of the escapees were sex offenders he was told the information was not available.

He said: "I presented the minister with his own statistics and he couldn't deny that it was likely that what happened last week is likely to happen again.

"Following the meeting I have written to the prisons minister and called on him to release all information about sex offenders absconding from open prisons across the UK."

Mr Davies added: "Mr Goggins did promise to come and visit the prison in six months and seems to think that the fuss will have died down. If so, he is very much mistaken. The campaign to keep violent sex offenders out of Prescoed will continue."

A spokesman for Mr Goggins said the minister was taking "a personal interest" in HMP Prescoed.

And he said he had promised to keep campaigners against sex offenders being brought to the prison updated on any progress.

"The Prison Service takes very seriously the allocation of individuals convicted of sex offences to Prescoed. Prisoners who pose a risk to the local community will not be considered for transfer to Prescoed."

Robert Neil Stokes, who absconded last week, was captured 24 hours later and was taken to hospital with leg injuries. He has since been returned to secure custody.