A TRIO of Gwent teenagers rubbed shoulders with Hollywood stars when they appeared in a new film.

Aimee Humphries and twins Frances and Jocelyn Taylor, all 16, of Caerleon, appeared as extras in These Foolish Things, a movie starring Lauren Bacall and Anjelica Huston and being made in Cheltenham.

The film follows a young British actress, played by Zoe Tapper, on the London stage in the 1930s - which meant the girls needed period hair, makeup and clothes to blend in.

The trio are all pupils at Caerleon Comprehensive and attend the Stagecoach Theatre school in Cwmbran.

Teachers and This Life star Andrew Lincoln will also star in the film, set for release next year.

Aimee said: "I've been asked to be an extra in things before, like adverts, but most of those were during my exams.

"It was very exciting. We had to get up very early and be on set by 6am to get ready, then we had our hair and make-up done and got into our costumes for shooting to begin at 9am. "For our first scene we were sitting in a classroom and had to be part of the class being taught, and for the second we were watching an audition and at the end we had to clap and cheer.

"There were lots of takes and in between loads of waiting around, for hours at a time.

"But the food was really nice and we got to meet all the stars that were on that day.

"Anjelica Huston was the best. She was very nice and friendly to us and the other extras, and always said hello.

"And Lauren Bacall you weren't allowed to talk to at all; only her assistants could get near her.

"I think the film's going to be aimed at older people - it's definitely not for my age group but I'm looking forward to seeing myself on screen." Jocelyn agreed: "It was really good fun. I got to meet Zoe Tapper, who's the main character, and she was nice and really talkative with all the extras.

"I'd like to be an actor one day - hopefully this was my first step."