SHE may be a sheep dog, but Bet the border collie is using her skills to round up a very different kind of farm animal.

Bet has been rounding up turkeys at Cefn Maen Farm near Raglan for the past two and a half years.

Her owners, Sandy and Caroline Holt-Wilson say Bet enjoys a good relationship with her feathered friends.

Mr Holt-Wilson said: "She is actually very good with the turkeys, firm but not aggressive.

"If they are not doing what she wants them to she is quite happy to push them further.

"With some sheep dogs if they become too aggressive it just turns into a staring match."

The couple, who have run their organic, free-range turkey farm for 15 years, say Bet is essential to their business.

Mr Holt-Wilson said: "We have visited other turkey farmers who don't have a dog and try to round them up using bean poles and flags, which can be very difficult.

"A dog is a far more effective and efficient way of doing things."

Far from it being a dog's life, Bet receives the kind of perks which would make any worker green with envy.

After the inevitable Christmas rush, the collie has a staggering seven-month holiday.

Mr Holt-Wilson said: "She gets a very good rest as the new chicks don't arrive until June or July."

The three-year-old is the second turkey-sheepdog Mr and Mrs Holt-Wilson have used at their farm.

Mr Holt-Wilson said: "Although she's a working dog and has to be treated as such, she's part of the family.

"She knows she's loved."