ARE you a single traveller?

Many of us are these days - and we complain about the single person room supplement. So here's an explanation of this.

Hotels charge the same rate per room whether one or two people are in it. Tour operators take the hotel room cost, add flights and transfers, financial protection and a degree of bulk buying power to make holidays value for money and attractive.

Holiday companies whose clients mostly travel in pairs produce prices to match - per person for two sharing.

Tour operators whose clients mostly travel singly also produce prices to match their clientele, ie per person for single occupancy.

When we see a brochure offering no single traveller supplements, we assume we're getting a bargain. In fact, many 'no single room supplement' offers are available only in low season. When a brochure states 'no single room supplements' it doesn't mean the price is any cheaper than that quoted in a brochure that charges single room supplements.

Specialist AITO tour operators recognise that single travellers, like everyone, seek to be offered value and fair play. However - single travellers, couples and families alike all pay more in peak season.

For a free copy of AITO's Holiday Directory, with thousands of holiday ideas, visit or ring 0870 751 8080.