BRAVE Gareth Blackburn and Adrian Porter have received their prizes for winning the South Wales Argus Vodafone UK Life Savers competition.

We joined forces with the mobile phone company to search for inspiring stories of men and women whose bravery and determination had saved someone's life.

Mr Blackburn, 20, and 35-year-old Mr Porter's courageous efforts had already brought them commendations for bravery and now each have been presented with a new Vodaphone mobile phone as their reward for being our regional winners.

The two telecom engineers from Mitel in Caldicot were involved in the dramatic rescue of a woman trapped in a blazing car.

While travelling back from Swindon late on November 18 last year, they heard a huge explosion. A Mercedes driver had lost control of his car which hit a barrier before catapulting into the air and catching fire.

Mr Blackburn, of Howe Circle, Ringland, Newport, told the Argus: "We stopped and ran up and we could see a woman screaming inside the car.

"We pulled her out of the window. We didn't really have time to think about it. As we were pulling her out, tyres were exploding and the engine mounting was exploding."

Mr Porter, of Park Road, Caldicot, burnt his hands in a desperate attempt to save the driver but the flames were too fierce.

They were nominated for the Life Savers Awards by Inspector Ray Josey, of Wiltshire Police. He won a weekend break for two to London, complete with tickets to a top West End show.

Prime minister Tony Blair, who gave his support to the awards, said: "Bravery in the face of adversity requires a huge strength of will and we should all be eternally grateful for those who selflessly put others before themselves.

"Their fortitude is something that must never be undervalued and they are a true asset to this proud nation."