A NEW city centre manager is taking up the challenge of boosting the buzz about Newport.

Susannah Bulpin will promote the city's regeneration and lay on special events to get more visitors in.

Her role working for the council is part of the plan by regeneration group Newport Unlimited to transform and revitalise the city by 2020.

She will be working closely with Newport Unlimited and has seen the master plan to redevelop the city.

Ms Bulpin, 31, who lives in Cardiff, said: "I'm finding out what businesses and community groups are doing in the area.

"A major part of my work will be building the profile of Newport and getting more events and activities going on in the city centre.

"I want to get Newport people involved and also attract people from outside of the area."

She said events could include markets, displays and exhibitions, possibly making more use of John Frost Square.

Ms Bulpin said she is less involved with the operational side of running the city centre - like waste disposal and planning - but will meet the police to run crime and safety initiatives.

Her role is a relaunch of the former post of manager of Newport City Centre Partnership, which was held by Malcolm Hall until he resigned last year.

Ms Bulpin said: "We want to make the centre more welcoming and more accessible. I'll be looking at the signage and communication in the centre."

Ms Bulpin formerly worked as a tourism and marketing officer with Swansea council.

She said: "Newport is going along the same lines as Swansea.

"There's a lot of regeneration going on with the new arts centre and cycling events coming to the city.

"The plans will bring a lot of positivity and excitement to Newport when they start to become reality.

"I'll be based in the redeveloped market. The new office will be very central and accessible to groups coming into the city.

"The market is going to be an amazing venue and I can keep my eye on what's going on."