Balancing work and home commitments becomes every parent's main issue and most have to deal with feelings of guilt at some point or other.

Holding down a job, running the home and somewhere in between being good and loving parents is exhausting, but the rewards when we succeed are priceless. Affordable, high-quality, good childcare is the key to dealing with any guilt we may feel and it can make all the difference.

The government says that workplaces should be more flexible and provide for working parents. But all too often in a workplace, there is no creche facility, or provision for babies under six months and so private child nursery care is the only option. However, deciding on nursery day care is one thing - finding the right one for your child is another.

Barbara Barnes of 3 Bears Nursery says : "Finding high quality yet affordable childcare can be a daunting prospect, especially for first-time parents. All private nurseries and child-minders in Wales have to be registered with the CSIW the Care Standards Inspectorate for Wales. The CSIW can provide parents with a list of registered nurseries, playgroups and childminders in your area. Your health visitor may also have a list, and some surgeries and clinics hold information and contact details too. There has also been a big increase in the number of people using the internet to research their childcare options, before drawing up a list of contacts to go and view.

"One of the best methods of finding reliable childcare is a word-of-mouth recommendation from a friend or family member. It is extremely rewarding when new children come to us on the recommendation of an existing satisfied customer."

A good relationship with the people who will be looking after your most precious child(ren) is vital. You have to feel comfortable so don't be afraid to ask questions. A good provider will be more than happy to answer your questions and set your mind at rest over any fears or issues you may have.

"At 3 Bears, we arrange settling-in visits," Barabra told us. " Parent(s) and child can come and meet their keyworker, who will be the main contact for them during their time with us. This provides an excellent opportunity for parent and keyworker to discuss the individual needs of the child, their developmental milestone and their usual routine, likes and dislikes. The number of settling-in visits varies depending on the age of the baby or child, and also the needs of the parent."

Safety is possibly one of the top issues on parents' lists of priorities and on visiting the nurseries on your chosen short list you'll be able to see for yourself how safety and security are dealt with by staff and management.

As far as the costs are concerned, if you are on a low income it is well worth exploring your benefit entitlements. Working is a useful website which gives information on this or you can ring their free helpline on 0800 013 0313 (Mondays 2pm -4pm).

Barbara added : "3 Bears Nursery is one of the few private nurseries in the area to recognize the need for a more flexible approach to childcare solutions. They offer places on a full-time, part-time or flexi-hours basis, from as little as £3.30 per hour. This means that parents or carers who work shifts, or middle-of the-day hours are much more likely to be able to find suitable childcare facilities to meet their needs. We also offer on-site wrap-around facilities, including a Holiday Club, After-School Club and are shortly introducing a Breakfast Club, to help meet families' needs throughout the day.

If you'd like more information on 3 Bears Nursery, please ring Barbara or Sara on 02920 798333 or visit the webstie on, or email