DESPITE outrage from local residents and jazz lovers alike it still looks like Super Furry Animals will be opening this year's Brecon Jazz festival. They play on Thursday, August 12 in a marquee, entry to which costs an extra £15.

And they're not the only attraction without any jazz connection on the bill, there are also DJs Gilles Peterson and 2 Banks of 4 roped in, no doubt, to attract a few more kids to the event.

There are, however, the following main attractions who do roughly fit the bill: Larry Corryel, John Abercombe and Dori Caymmi play their Latin- edged stuff on Saturday, August 14.

Jerry Gonzalez and the Fort Apache Band play on Friday August 13. There's no doubting Humphrey Lyttelton and George Melly's vintage - also Friday August 13.

And Tommy Smith and Brian Kellock also play the unlucky day, Friday August 13.

For more info dial 01874 611622.