FIREFIGHTERS carried out a dramatic rescue in Newport last night after a man was spotted in the River Usk.

Crews from Malpas, Maindee and Duffryn, with a boat from Maindee and a police helicopter, went to the scene near the new Riverfront Arts Centre at 8.39pm where the man had entered the river.

It is not yet known whether he fell or jumped. Firefighters used ropes and the fire service boat in an hour-long rescue to bring the man to safety.

He was then taken to the city's Royal Gwent Hospital but he appeared to have been uninjured during his ordeal.

Assistant Divisional Officer Paul Mason said: "We received a call from a member of the public that a man had entered the river.

"We located the casualty coming downstream as the tide was going out. "We secured the rescue by means of line rescue equipment.

"The boat was launched as a precautionary measure for the safety of ourselves and the casualty. He was taken to the Royal Gwent Hospital but he appeared to be in good spirits with no obvious injuries.

"If it wasn't for the quick intervention of the Fire Service the consequences could have been much worse."