THE new roads boss at Newport council has ordered a radical rethink of the city's bus lanes.

Councillor Ron Jones said the lanes 'wasted' space and needed a fresh approach.

He wants to open the bus lanes to all drivers outside of rush hour traffic, and at all times to any car carrying at least three people.

The controversial bus lanes were introduced in 2001 and have spread throughout the city at a cost of £1.35m.

They are part of the city's transport policy to boost regeneration, but the green lanes have caused uproar among motorists stuck in jams on Cardiff Road and Clarence Place.

Now Councillor Jones, cabinet member for transport and sustainable development, has asked a scrutiny group of councillors to consider feasibility of the two ideas.

He said: "Ideally the bus lanes would only be used at weekday peak times in the morning and afternoon. Outside of that, anyone could use them." Councillor Jones said the inspiration for change came when he was stuck in a long queue on Cardiff Road.

He added: "There were forty cars in one lane and the bus lane was empty. If that queue was halved it would have had a great psychological effect on drivers.

"The bus lanes are working for the buses but it seems like a waste. "They would be worthwhile if there was a three minute bus service but not when it's a twenty or thirty minute one."

He said the lanes might have lit signs advising drivers when the lanes could be used but admitted that enforcing the rules would be difficult, adding: "That's a matter for the police. We will look at these issues but I'd like to have changes in place by Christmas."

Graham Dally, the former controversial council roads boss who introduced the bus lanes, remains chairman of the city's transport board. He said: "These lanes were put in for public transport. All buses are running on time and we have no complaints from the traffic commissioner.

"If the proposals affect transport then Newport Transport will have something to say about it and so will the council because they are a shareholder."

Bus lanes are currently found on Chepstow Road, Cardiff Road, Clarence Place, Queensway, KIngsway and from Old Green to Harlequin roundabout. They have recently been added to a stretch of Malpas Road. l Editorial: page 22