THE latest findings and research from Newport's medieval ship are to be showcased at the National Eisteddfod.

Voluntary organisation Friends of Newport Ship has received a £5,000 grant to fund an exhibition at the Eisteddfod from the lottery-funded Awards for All Wales.

The Newport Ship was discovered in the banks of the River Usk two years ago and is believed to date back to the 15th century.

Experts have so far estimated from the wreckage that the original ship may have been at least 200 tonnes in size, making it at least as big as the Pinta, Christopher Columbus's ship on which he discovered America. The display will tell the story of the historic vessel and its significance in Welsh maritime history.

"The new exhibition will reinforce the significance of Newport Ship," said chairman Simon Rutherford.

"Not only is it of immense historical significance but it still occupies a place in the hearts of Newport people." The Friends need volunteers to man the exhibition, especially Welsh speakers. If you can help call 01633 897058.