PEDAL power is about to go large in Cardiff thanks to a postgraduate student of the University of Wales Newport Business School.

Mike Parfitt has set up a company to operate a fleet of "city cruisers" in the capital.

They will bridge the gap between the Bay and the city centre and the good news for passengers is that they will be absolutely free. The cost of fares will be picked up by advertisers on the vehicles' flanks.

These will include Newport university itself.

Light vehicles of this type have already proved a success in German cities and in Lisbon for Euro2004. They will also be used in Athens during the Olympics.

Mr Parfitt is launching his business, Cardiff Ad Bikes, with four cruisers on August 2 and hopes to roll out the service across the UK.

The 38-year-old had his brainwave while studying at Newport for the postgraduate diploma in business and enterprise development.

He said: "I saw the need for an alternative and inexpensive mode of transport for short journeys around Cardiff city centre.

"I did some investigating and looked at several rickshaw-type vehicles. "However, I discovered that outside London rickshaw operators are not allowed to pick up fares on the street because this makes them a form of Hackney carriage.

"I looked into ways of subsidising the costs and came up with an advertising-based revenue scheme."

By next summer Mr Parfitt hopes to have 20 cruisers ferrying passengers between Cardiff city centre and the bay.

Each one will hold up to two adults and a small child with room for hand luggage or shopping.

"My aim is to make city cruisers an everyday sight in Cardiff - a rolling showcase that provides a perfect way for advertisers to reach their target audiences."

Mr Parfitt said his university course had been an enormous help.

"Many of the problems encountered while setting up a business are covered in the course, so I was aware of potential pitfalls before they happened.

"At the time I didn't see the point of studying international development but it proved invaluable when I had to do business with a German company called VeloTaxi, which is the only manufacturer of the vehicles I want. You can find out more about Cardiff Ad Bikes online at

Details about Mr Parfitt's university course are available from the Information Centre on 01633 432432.