A NEWBRIDGE firm says a £10 million Ministry of Defence contract means it will secure the company for "the long haul".

Axiom boss Shaun Ashmead said: "We have been trying to break into the defence sector for the last year.

"This contract will run for at least ten years and will be worth between £10m and £15m to us.

"It will spread confidence amongst our clients and prospects that we are here for the long haul.

"Being part of a winning MOD contract bid is a tremendous endorsement to a company and reflects well on everyone working for Axiom."

Axiom will be creating 60 new jobs as a result of its involvement with defence company CAE in a consortium bid for the MOD's £1bn Armoured Vehicles Training Programme.

Axiom has been contracted to produce electro-magnetic sub-assemblies for use in vehicle simulators.

The simulators will be used to teach soldiers how to operate armoured fighting vehicles such as Warriors and Challenger tanks.

The company employs 200 people in the production of electrical components for the IT, automotive and medical industries.

Islwyn MP and under secretary of state for Wales Don Touhig said: "This is great news for Axiom and great news for Newbridge.

"CAE is very impressed with the facilities it has found here and with the can-do attitude we have got in Gwent.

"I hope this piece of business will be the first of many."