If you are thinking of going to Athens for the 2004 Olympic Games from August 13 then heed this advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

* GREEK Law requires you to carry ID at all times.

* Ensure you have a valid passport with completed next of kin details. Leave a photocopy of this at home with a friend or relative and in your accommodation in Greece.

* Arrange comprehensive travel insurance. Make sure it covers medical evacuation.

* No cash. It cannot be replaced if lost or stolen unless covered in your insurance policy. Consider taking travellers' cheques, credit cards or an ATM card instead.

* Big events attract criminals. Beware of muggers, pickpockets and bag snatchers. Due to the heightened threat of terrorism throughout the world you should be vigilant.

* Free medical treatment can be obtained by having a completed E111 form (obtainable at your local post office). It is worth taking out adequate medical and travel insurance as well. Temperatures will be at their highest during the Games (likely between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius and occasionally above). Be careful to take precautions: wear long-sleeved, cool clothing, including a hat. Use sun cream with a high sun protection factor. Drink plenty of water.

* Obey local laws and customs.

* Travellers are strongly advised to use public transport to avoid congestio* and not to hire vehicles.

* If you do drive, make sure you have a valid licence and that your car is properly insured. Do not leave valuables on display and keep car doors locked at all times. Do not drink and drive.

* Organise your accommodation in Greece now. Most hotels are already booked. Sleeping rough is not advised.

* Be prepared for delays due to security checks at the venues. All spectators, including infants, must have a valid ticket to enter a venue. Consider articles you are taking to the venues. Flash photography is not permitted at certain events and the use of broadcast or photographic equipment for commercial purposes is prohibited. Only small bags are permitted at venues.

Emergency numbers in Greece

* Should you run into difficulties in Greece and need the help of the British Embassy, you should call 210 723 7727.

* Tourist Police 171.

* Police, ambulance, fire, and coastguard service 112.

English is spoken on both of these numbers.


* The Greek Government has made clear that security at the Games is of paramount importance.

* The British Government and other international partners with expertise in countering the terrorist threat have been working closely with the Greek authorities to offer assistance in this area. Travellers to the Games are advised to be vigilant and take sensible precautions.