IT is billed as a cross between Formula One and the Wacky Races, and one Newport daredevil is hoping to skipper his team to success in this summer's Red Bull Soap Box Race.

Andrew Cornell, 33, will captain a team in the Red Bull Soap Box Race, as he leads one of 80 fearless outfits racing their home-made, non-motorised soap box carts around an exclusive course at Knebworth Park, Hertfordshire.

More than 15,000 people applied to take part and Mr Cornell's team, Smart Danger Russ, which also includes Newport mechanic Tony Bannon and driver Russ Morris of Red Dragon FM, were selected to compete.

Their cart, made mainly of plastic and wood, is based on the Smart Car design, with panels supplied by Smart's manufacturers in Manchester.

"We've put a lot into making the cart strong, fast and stable," said Mr Cornell, who lives at Waterloo Road, Newport.

"Myself and Tony, who is my neighbour, have spent the last eight weekends constructing it.

"Red Bull have sponsored the parts which cost around £600."

The cart is currently in the advanced testing stages and had a successful trial run at Belle Vue Park at the weekend.

But it is not just the quickest cart that comes out on top, teams are also judged on creativity, track performance and a crowd clapometer.

Mr Cornell added: "We've painted the cart a 'Danger Mouse' yellow and we're looking forward to racing it.

"We are certainly determined and hoping to win the event."

The event takes place on Sunday, August 8, and it is the first time the event has been held in the UK after it started in Austria in 2000.

Among the prizes Smart Danger Russ will be competing for are a cash prize of £5,000, four days in Lapland with an Arctic Circle Rally Race or a full day at the racecourse to yourself with four cars and a private race instructor.