FUNDRAISING efforts are up, up and away to help a poorly Gwent youngster.

Callum Arnold, five, has a rare condition called Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, which is like cerebral palsy, and means he cannot walk or sit up on his own.

His parents, Jane and Dean, from Abergavenny, must raise £70,000 to make vital adjustments to their home to give Callum more independence.

There is £30,000 still to raise and it is hoped a balloon race next month will contribute to that.

The event takes place on Saturday, August 7, at 11am to 4pm at the Waitrose supermarket, Merthyr Road, Llanfoist, Abergavenny.

Callum was awarded a social services grant of £30,000 and his mum and dad have already put £10,000 towards the kitty.

The Argus highlighted Callum's plight in March. The community has rallied to help the youngster, setting up a fund at the Monmouthshire-based Care and Repair store.

Mrs Arnold said: "It's wonderful so many people have got behind us. We are very grateful for everything.

"Callum enjoys all the attention. He knows we need money to help him."

Tickets can be bought from the Nationwide Building Society in Abergavenny or on 01873 854195. Balloons cost £1.