THE SOUTH Gwent children's centre will be like nothing else in this area.

It will seek to improve the lives of hundreds of disabled children, bringing together a unique combination of health, education and social services under one roof for the children and their families.

The need for such a facility has been recognised by healthcare experts and parents for many years.

The charity set up to raise the £6m needed to build and equip the centre, the South Gwent Children's Foundation, on a 14-acre site at High Cross, has an uphill task to secure funding.

It is exploring a whole host of funding sources, but needs your help - hence the Sparkle Appeal.

The Argus is only too glad to do its bit to help develop such an important facility. And we are appealing to you, our readers and advertisers, to help us achieve that goal. We aim to raise £250,000 and need your help.

It couldn't be easier. You can organise any sort of fundraising event you want. Tina White, project development manager, said: "We can reach our £6m target in so many ways and truly, every little helps.

"We have got where we are by lots of people giving small amounts, so anything anyone can do will make a difference, whether it's 50p or £5,000."

Tina White continued: "Just a few hours of your time can make all the difference. "You can support the work in the office, stuff envelopes, answer the telephone or help at fundraising events.

"Volunteering for the Sparkle Appeal is guaranteed to be a rewarding experience."

Special fundraising packs are available from the Sparkle Appeal Office, South Gwent Children's Foundation, Block 10 Friars Field, Newport, NP20 2UB, or by telephoning 01633 656212.

The fax number is 01633 215318.

Donations can be made by cheque, payable to the South Gwent Children's Foundation, sent to the above address, and marked Sparkle Appeal on the back.

Cash donations can be made in person at the fundraising office at the former Ingram Ward, St Woolos Hospital, Newport.

If you are arranging any Sparkle Appeal fundraising events, please tell us about it by telephoning Helen Roberts on 01633 777231.