WELCOME to the second in our series of supplements which are part of our aim to help build a treatment centre for disabled children in our area.

Once again we urge you to support us in our bid to help raise £250,000 towards the £6m cost of the centre at High Cross.

Imagine you are the parent of a severely disabled child, perhaps one who is permanently confined to a wheelchair.

Imagine the problems of getting that child the medical, social and educational treatment they need when they have to be dragged around to several different locations.

How much easier would it be if all of those treatment needs were met under one roof?

That is what South Gwent Children's Foundation is trying to do in raising £6m to build a treatment centre for OUR local children at High Cross, Newport.

More than 1,100 local children desperately need this centre. They have been born with or contracted disabilities that already mean they cannot enjoy the freedoms and pleasures that are every child's right. They already suffer enough without the added stress to them and their parents of travelling to different locations to see the doctors, carers and therapists who deal with their differing needs.

If we can raise enough cash to build this centre we really will be helping these children and their families to live better lives. The South Wales Argus is committed to this project, and we have agreed with the foundation that we will run an appeal this year to try to raise £250,000 with the help of you, our readers. Our staff have taken part in numerous fundraising ventures, and we appeal to you to throw your weight behind our appeal and raise some cash for these children. This supplement will also help raise funds.

We will donate a proportion of the money taken for every advertisement booked in this, and two more Sparkle supplements we will be bringing out this year.

So our advertisers, our readers and our staff are all involved in our appeal.

Thank you.

Gerry Keighley,

Editor, South Wales Argus.