A TODDLER was killed in a tragic accident outside her home in Newport. Gwent Police are investigating how the little girl, believed to be 18-months-old, died on the Moorland Park estate at around 2.30pm yesterday.

One car was involved in the accident.

Distressed neighbour Julie Smith, 29, of Moorland Park, was painting the front of her house when the incident happened. "I heard a screech and a scream," she said. "A woman came out of her gate and she was buckling and saying 'Please help my baby, please help'."

Ms Smith ran over to help the woman, understood to be the child's mother.

"She was staggering. I picked her up and she fainted in my arms," said Ms Smith, who helped the woman and her child in her house.

"I tried to revive her and I just couldn't do anything," she said. Ms Smith said she did not know the dead girl.

"My little one is about the same age. I never ever want to see anything like that again as long as I live," she said.

It is believed the victim lived in a house in Moorland Park. Her devastated family were not available for comment last night.

Officers are investigating the cause of the accident. No- body has been arrested.

At the scene, Inspector Fran Richley appealed for witnesses to come forward.

"We are still investigating the matter but can confirm that a child was pronounced dead at the Royal Gwent Hospital. Our inquiries are still ongoing," he said.

"Only one vehicle was involved and we are not looking for anybody for questioning at this stage."

Anyone with information should call Gwent Police on 01633 838111.