NATURE conservation charity, the RSPB has commissioned a mini-fleet of eye-catching Vauxhall Combo vans to help in their drive for new supporters.

The RSPB now has five white Combos each carrying a large distinctive image of one of Britain's favourite birds, painted by renowned wildlife artist Mike Langman. The vans will be delivered to the RSPB's English regional offices to help in their presence at county shows, exhibitions and other events throughout the year to explain what the Society does and how it helps birds and other wildlife.

RSPB marketing director Karen Rothwell said: "The vans will be an invaluable aid to raising our profile at public events this summer. We are certain they will provide a genuine eye-catching talking point.

"An important element to our choice of these vans was the level of fuel economy and low emissions, which is crucial for an organisation like the RSPB which takes its transport policy seriously," added Karen.

The Vauxhall Combos have a raised suspension making them easier to reach some events at reserves and in the countryside, where access can be difficult. Said Vauxhall fleet sales director Maurice Howkins: "The Combo is an attractive van anyway, but now it is a spectacular vehicle thanks to the superb paintings by Mike Langman. We hope they do their job and attract people to the RSPB.