A POTENTIAL £40,000 of Blaenau Gwent council taxpayers' money has been saved - after the authority received a huge overcharge on a water bill for the civic centre.

The extraordinarily large utility bill from Dwr Cymru was £43,439.99. But eagle-eyed staff at the council's asset management section spotted the error and challenged the company to justify the demand.

A revised bill for £2,574.67 was then submitted to the council - representing a total saving of £40,865.32.

Councillor Royston Welch, the council's executive member for resources, said: "We are constantly working as an authority to make sure that we plug leaks like this before they occur.

"There is no way we would have allowed this kind of money to be quite literally poured down the drain!"

A spokeswoman for Dwr Cymru said: "An unreliable meter reading at the sports complex in Cemetery Road in Ebbw Vale resulted in an abnormally high bill for water used at the property.

"Following investigation Dwr Cymru Welsh Water reduced the bill to reflect the average water consumption recorded at the complex.

"Dwr Cymru Welsh Water apologises for any inconvenience caused. The council has been advised of the revised bill."