DEMAND for Nissan's 350Z is exceeding all expectations with this year's initial allocation of 1,400 units selling out in five months. But the good news is that the factory is going to work a little faster and will produce another 800 units for the UK in 2004. And another Z-line just in: the 350Z has won the 'Performance Car' category at the 2004 British Insurance Security Awards. So although getting a Z will be easier, trying to take one is pointless.

Vehicle crime may be at its lowest for the last 20 years but with 2,386,000 offences occurring each year, car owners need to feel confident that their vehicle will still be around the following morning. And the hotter the car, the more of a target it becomes. Nissan has tackled this issue by fitting the latest thief resistant systems to the 350Z. These are what led the panel of judges from the Association of British Insurers (ABI), the AA, Thatcham and the Department of Transport, with support from the Home Office, to give the 350Z top honours in their 'Performance Car' category at the 2004 British Insurance Security awards.

Bill Bosley, managing director of Nissan Motor (GB) Limited, explains: "Performance cars are the most sought after and targeted vehicles by criminals in the UK and therefore need the best security features available. This award is not only recognition of the high standard that our engineers achieved in developing the 350Z but also helps customers to easily identify vehicles with class-leading security."