10 reasons why you MUST vote

Cardigan Castle is one of only three buildings in the Welsh round of BBC2 Restoration.

The programme featuring the castle is being aired on Tuesday, July 20 at 9pm. Voting lines - 09011 33 22 22 - will be open for just 24 hours afterwards to take viewers' votes.

So why should you vote?

1. Cardigan Castle is the birthplace of Welsh culture - the site of the first eisteddfod in 1176.

2. The castle is one of the few Welsh castles built by a Welsh prince, Lord Rhys.

3. The castle has played an integral part in Cardigan's history for the past 900 years.

4. The castle is a multi-historic site - boasting a chequered and colourful past with features ranging from medieval fortifications to an elegant Georgian house and even a World War II pillbox.

5. Local people fought long and hard to bring the castle into public ownership in 2003. Winning Restoration would be the icing on the cake.

6. Restoring the castle is the key to rejuvenating Cardigan. The town has already benefited from lottery grants for its historic buildings. The castle is the greatest jewel in its heritage crown.

7. The castle has the potential to be one of the great tourist attractions of Ceredigion, if not Wales.

8. The castle enjoys fantastic community support - a vote for the castle is a vote for a tight knit traditional Welsh community.

9. The castle has spent decades being a blot on the landscape. Its neglected state seemed to sum up the economic downturn suffered in Cardigan. Restoration cash would kick start the decade-long project to restore the site and bring it back into public use.

10. Because it is a wonderful, complex, interesting and magical building!