Cardigan's annual River & Food Festival is on Monday, August 9 between 11am and 5pm. During the past five years, the festival has been a huge success, giving local food producers an opportunity to showcase their products. The aim of the festival is to celebrate the diversity of food grown or prepared in the area, along with the River Teifi.

Stall holders' products will range from fresh eggs and butter, cakes and preserves, organic vegetables and cider products to Welsh whisky and ale, wines, cheeses, ostrich meat, bread and pastries, honey products, fudge, herbs and plants, oriental sauces as well as different crafts.

Chefs, Kevin Williams and Gareth Richards, will give cooking demonstrations. There will also be a host of exciting river events to enjoy throughout the day, as well as Welsh folk music performances and storytelling.

Small World Theatre will be running costume workshops in preparation for the summer pageant, which will be a spectacular addition to the day. The highlights include the return of Lord Rhys and a Viking Ship 'sailing' through the town.

New features for this year's festival include, a 'Children's Corner' - with several food related activities and competitions for children to enjoy; a 'Cardigan Dish' competition - where you can taste and judge new 'traditional' dishes made out of local produce by various food outlets within the town; and an arts and crafts fair staged by Ceredigion Craft Makers in the Upper Market of Cardigan Guildhall.

Cardigan Castle will be open to the public on the day of the festival, an excellent chance to view the festival from the battlements and show your support for its restoration.