PLANS for a peace garden at a Newport community centre have now firmly taken root and work could begin later this year.

People were recently invited to take part in a design day for the garden at Community House in Eton Road.

Sue Barlow, director of Newport-based design charity CDG, explained the centre was well supported with a myriad of local groups using it for all sorts of activities and it was important everyone had an input.

"The theme is peace and we have been exploring what this means to different cultures and how it can be expressed in a garden."

Henrietta Lucas, of CDG, said following the design day the sketched plans had been presented to the centre's committee and they were now progressing to the final design stage.

The proposals included a central water feature, a mosaic seat, a shady seating area and a herb garden.

It was hoped some of the youngsters who use the centre would help with clearing work and the scheme will go out to tender in the autumn. Brian Selby, of Community House, said the process of designing and building the garden was part of "learning to work and play co-operatively".