A RUGBY player who was cleared of an assault on the pitch said he may give up the game for good after he ended up in court.

Ian Lennon, a welder, of Treowen Road, Newbridge, denied a charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm against Risca flanker Greg Tilston at a match in March 2003.

Yesterday, a jury at Newport crown court found Trinant No.3 Mr Lennon not guilty.

During the trial, Recorder R P Rowlands ordered that a more serious charge of attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent be withdrawn.

Father of one Mr Lennon, 37, speaking after the trial, said: "I was overjoyed to hear the verdict and I had tears in my eyes. "It's a relief for the whole family.

"The case has been adjourned four times and it's all been a total waste of money for the tax-payer.

"Going to court for this was just over the top. "There was no stamping or kicking, and any injuries he received must have been caused by the ruck.

"If he was stamped on the head he would have more than a swollen cheekbone and there would have been stud marks."

He said the trial had "shaken" him and he would consider whether or not to continue playing rugby.

The prosecution had alleged Mr Lennon kicked Mr Tilston in the face and stamped on his head as he tried to get up from the ground following a ruck at a game in Risca.

Mr Lennon claimed he only pushed Mr Tilston away with his foot because he grabbed his testicles.

Mr Tilston was knocked unconscious and was taken to Newport's Royal Gwent Hospital.

His jaw was severely bruised. After the jury returned their verdict, Recorder Rowlands thanked them and discharged the defendant from the dock.