It started with a kiss - and ended up with an overdraft.

Romantic moments can give way to hours of agony with the calculator working out how much it is all going to cost when you decide to get married.

Something as simple as wanting to share the rest of your life in married bliss can suddenly become very complicated when the wedding day bills start to roll in.

But it is possible to keep costs down and have a delightful wedding to remember. What you lose in glitz you may gain in fun as you plan your wedding on a tight budget.

Money worries are the last thing you want as the big day approaches so it makes sense to do your homework and work to a carefully thought out plan.

First of all decide how much you can afford and who will pay for what. Traditionally the bride's father foots the biggest bill but in these days the happy couple may decide to chip in if they are both high earners and in-laws may also declare they wish to make a contribution.

It is best to discuss money matters openly at the start to clear the air between all the parties. Make sure everyone exercises tact and the issue can be cleared up without any hurt feelings.

Having decided how much you can spend you must draw up a list of priorities. Start with the things which you feel you cannot do without on your wedding day and work down to items which you are prepared to sacrifice if costs mount.

For example, you may have set your heart on a no-expense-spared reception;

alternatively you may be happy to economise with a stand-up reception and use the money saved on something else.

Doing things yourself may involve asking friends for help. Many will be happy to oblige - they will get a kick out of making your day special and know that you will appreciate their kindness for many years to come.

Help may involve a married friend lending you her own wedding dress or perhaps helping you make your own. Close friends with a large house or an impressive historic barn close to their home may be delighted to provide the venue for the reception.

Others may help out with the loan of crockery or glasses for the reception - but always take the precaution of arranging insurance for breakable items.

You may be head over heels in love but keep your feet on the ground when hiring services for the wedding celebrations. Keep a note of all telephone conversations and get confirmation of quotes in writing. Keep a properly ordered file of all your dealings in advance of the big day. It will give you the upper hand if a dispute over cost breaks out with your supplier.

You'll find many ways to save money without spoiling the wedding day.

Other alternatives to borrowing a wedding dress include hiring one or finding a company which specialises in buying wedding dresses after the ceremony.

The reception can still be hugely enjoyable even if it is fairly modest in scale. Consider avoiding expensive venues and hiring a hall and doing the catering yourself. An army of friends, including some inventive cooks, can usually be assembled to help out with providing an appetising meal.

Champagne is the traditional wedding drink but you can still give the day a sparkle with a less expensive drink.

If you know anyone with a luxury car - if it is a vintage model ask if you can use it.

Many people are keen photographers and would welcome the chance to film or video your wedding.

As a gesture which will make a virtue out of your poverty why not hire a pair of bicycles!