GETTING married on an exotic palm-lined beach may seem like the ultimate romantic gesture, but making this dream come true is not always as easy as you might imagine.

Although everyone wants their wedding to be something special - and different - it's probably best to visit a travel agent or two and see what wedding and honeymoon packages they have to offer.

Here are some points worth taking note of if you would like to get married abroad: It's best to book your holiday at least 12 weeks in advance.

Most weddings are conducted by the equivalent of a registrar. In destinations where it is possible to be married by a minister, they will usually be non-denominational.

All of the documents you need to present must be in English. If they are not, they must be translated and notarised by an officially-recognised translator.

All of the original documents required must be taken to the destination by the couple.

Wedding outfits must be packed in your luggage and travel in the hold - they cannot be taken as cabin luggage. Usual weight restrictions apply.

Many destinations require that the couple be resident for a number of days before the ceremony can take place. Be sure to check this, as this time period varies from destination to destination - and weekends and public holidays often don't count.

You must hold a valid British passport and have return tickets to the UK.

Mexican law requires that couples planning to get married in the country be at least 21-years-old and that they take a blood test (in Mexico) before the ceremony can take place. Your wedding will comply with the nuptial laws of the destination that you choose.

Although your overseas wedding will be legal according to British law, it will not be possible to register your marriage in the UK. It may, however, be possible to have your wedding recorded as an overseas marriage.

Depending on where you get married, you may be able to return home with the original of your marriage certificate - but in some countries it can take up to six months for the paperwork to be completed. In this case, the certificate will be sent to you once it has been issued.

Most tour operators that deal in wedding holidays have specialist departments staffed by people with a wealth of experience in this field.

They will ensure that your big day goes as smoothly as possible.