PLANS to build a supermarket on the site of a former landmark Valleys' factory and bring with it up to 300 jobs have moved a step closer.

Asda received the stamp of approval from the Design Commission for Wales for a 35,000sqft store, with a family pub, earmarked on the site of the Dunlop Semtex factory in Brynmawr.

It was further good news for the supermarket giant which received outline planning from Blaenau Gwent county borough council last month.

The store will include parking for 500 cars, four retail units and a restaurant. A 'reserved matters' application covering architectural and landscape details is scheduled to go to the planning committee in August.

Councillor John Hopkins, leader of Blaenau Gwent council, said: "This development should be a terrific boost for Brynmawr and the whole area."

There was more goods news for the Valleys when it was announced 40 highly skilled jobs would be coming to Risca.

County Kildare-based WF Manufacturing Ltd UK will be establishing a state-of-the-art plant in a 80,000sqft factory formerly used by Corus on Commercial Street, Risca. It aims to serve the rapidly growing market for timber frame homes in Wales, Southern England and the Midlands.

The company was attracted to the Gwent Valleys thanks to the work of the Welsh Development Agency and a Regional Selective Assistance (RSA) grant aid from the National Assembly.

WF's managing director Jonathan Goodwin said: "Our goal is to establish a highly automated, world-class business in Risca which will meet and hopefully exceed current best practice in the UK."