IF you are planning to get married this year, then our A to Z Wedding Guide could be a big help, so read on.

A is for ALBUM

Your wedding day is unique and pictures of this special day are unique too, because as the memory fades they will be a constant, vivid reminder of your happiest moments.

So ensure you have perfect photographs by employing a professional. Friends and relatives can also take pictures but professional photographers have the experience to cope with changing weather conditions and lighting and choose the best settings. Many can also give you 'special effect' pictures for your collection and offer a wide choice of albums to complement your wedding day photographs.


Once the wedding date is set the bride will have a full diary right until the big day. One of your first tasks is to choose your bridesmaids. Whether they are friends or relatives they will be an invaluable help to you on your busy day. This is also a good time to choose, if required, your pageboys.

Another pleasurable task is choosing your wedding dress, whether it is going to be made, bought or loaned and assist your bridesmaids in choosing your bridesmaids' outfits.

Together with the groom you will decide on your guest list, send invitations, book the wedding cars, reception, photographer and flowers, so the sooner the planning starts the easier it will be.

In addition, you want to ensure you look radiant on your special day, so again plan ahead. If you are thinking of trying a new hairstyle to complement your head-dress then it is advisable to book an earlier appointment at the hairdressers to try it out, and of course, this applies to your bridesmaids as well.

If you plan to have your make-up professionally applied, again it is well worth trying out the style before the big day.

C is for CHURCH

Once you have decided to marry in a church and set the date, it is important you see the church minister as soon as possible to ensure that you get the day and time you want.

Once you have booked the church the minister will offer you advice on the form of service, choice of hymns and wedding music, the reading of the banns and other aspects of the wedding.

Do ask whether he allows photographs and video recording in church and confetti throwing, because he may object.

If you choose a Register Office you must go along at least a month before in person to obtain a marriage certificate and fulfil residence conditions. If you require a Service Blessing, being unable to marry in church, see your minister.

D is for DATE

Whether is is booking the church or reception venue, selecting your photographer or choosing your flowers, remember to book early to avoid disappointment.


If you have decided to have an evening reception, as well as booking a suitable venue you have to think about the type of entertainment you require whether you want a live group or band or a disco.

Today most people have discos, but before booking a certain DJ ensure he can meet all your requirements. For instance, can he play all ranges of music from waltzes for the older guests to the latest sounds around? It is also worthwhile to get quotes from two or three DJs to ensure you are getting value for money.

F is for FLOWERS

The wedding bouquet and wedding flowers are an important part of your wedding and must be chosen with great care. The wedding bouquet must complement your dress, while the bridesmaids' bouquets must suit their dresses.

There is a choice between fresh or silk flowers for bouquets, garland and corsages. The silk ones will last forever, providing a lasting reminder of your special day and are a good idea for hay fever sufferers in the height of summer.

The florist will advise you on your choice and you may well prefer the beautiful fragrance and natural beauty of fresh flowers. It is also a good idea, if possible, to take a piece of cloth from your wedding dress and bridesmaids' dresses to the florist for an exact colour match.


The groom and best man must also look after their wedding attire. If it is going to be 'morning suits' they will have the choice of whether to hire or buy their suits. If it is going to be ordinary suits then again they can buy or hire dark suits, but if hiring it is important to reserve your suits early.

The groom chooses the best man and ushers, pays for the ring, fees and gifts for the bridesmaids and ushers, flowers, transport and traditionally the honeymoon.

Among the duties of the best man is to get the groom to the church on time, hold the ring(s) until required, pay the church fees for the groom and ensure all guests have transport to the reception.

Once there he reads the telegrams, cards and makes a speech.


Your honeymoon is an important part of your wedding celebrations and it needs plenty of attention to detail.

Put yourself in the hands of a reputable travel company who will look after your needs, whether you are honeymooning in this country or abroad. It is also important to go to a travel agency early to ensure you get the dates and destination you want.


For anything other than a very small wedding, printed or engraved invitations are the most convenient. Most good stationers have sample invitations so it is a good idea to look through a few sample books and get comparative quotations before making your final choice.

It is a good idea to post invitations at least six weeks ahead to give people a chance to plan ahead and note down your replies for the catering numbers.


The most important of jewellery at any wedding is the wedding ring! Today in many cases both bride and groom choose to have wedding rings and jewellers have responded to this by making matching sets.

It is a good idea to start looking for your wedding rings three months ahead in case they need altering.

K is for KISS

When the minister or registrar utters those famous words 'kiss the bride' you know your wedding day worries were unfounded it's gone like a dream!

L is for LOVE

Your wedding day is the start of a lifetime of love and sharing together, so ensure everything is well planned and organised in advance.

M is for mortgage

Most newlyweds wish to start off married life in their own home and plans for house buying must start as soon as possible. House particulars are available from estate agents and once you have viewed a property you wish to buy, the next stage is to arrange a mortgage.


Most wedding photographers will ensure that a wedding day photograph will appear in your local newspapers.

O is for OUTFITS

As well as choosing your beautiful wedding dress you must also decide what other outfits you will require. A going away outfit, a change for the evening reception?


One ideal way of coping with wedding presents is to compile a wedding list. Include the complete range of gifts so no one feels obliged to 'spend a fortune'.


It is always a good idea to allow yourself time to shop around and compare services and prices.


When organising your reception you must decide whether or not you require an evening reception, and if you are going to have the same venue all day.

It is important to book your reception venue and outside caterers as early as possible.


Speeches are an important part of a wedding. The bride's father or an old family friend proposes a toast to the bride and groom.

The bridegroom replies. He thanks guests for their presents and proposes a toast to the attendants. The best man replies on their behalf.


Wedding cars should be booked as early as possible. Don't forget to double check your travel arrangements one week before the wedding.

U is for USHERS

Formal church weddings require a minimum of three ushers. They hand out service sheets and show guests to their seats.

One usher should wait for the bride's mother to escort her to her seat and the groom's parents.

V is for VIDEO

Having a professional video made of your wedding day is the ideal way of keeping cherished memories alive.


A wedding cake should be moist, rich and beautiful. It should be ordered at least six weeks in advance.

X is for the kiss that started it all.

Y is for why worry? If you have followed our guide everything will be well organised and go without a hitch.

Z . . . zzz is for sleeping peacefully knowing you have a splendid day ahead.